42 available commercial premises in Saarland
Here you will find an overview of all available industrial sites in Saarland filtered according to your search criteria:
If you are looking in GERMANY´S SAARLAND you will find: Commercial sites in Saarland
Here you will find all the industrial and commercial sites in Saarland at a glance. Why not use the search form and the map view from Google Maps now? The list of commercial sites and properties in Saarland is complete and up-to-date – this service is unique in Germany. We will organise your first kick-off meeting with the authorities and ministries, and provide you with information on land allocation, availability and infrastructure from a single source. We will accompany you as a partner and keep an eye on everything for you if you want us to.
And if you have not found the right one yet: Are you looking for a large, continuous site?
Please contact us personally. We will actively support you in your search for the ideal site, which we can also develop for you or tailor it perfectly to your wishes and needs according to your project. And best of all: our services are free of charge.